Public Speaking
How I got there and and how you can too if that’s what you want.
9/20/20243 min read
We already have underlying strengths and weaknesses that we might not all be aware of - nonetheless, they are there. Life gets in the way. When we look back from where we are today, "Ah, that's where that came from." "Wow, I've always loved writing." "The dream I am living now, wow, I had it way back then (I'm talking decades back then)!"
I discovered I was always vocal, it strengthened over time. My life took a different direction, more than once, and out of the woodworks - this strength, and that goal, that dream, this skill - started to emerge. I became desirous of excelling in speech.
I did courses, trainings, for "years" overseas, and back here in NZ. I was always thrown into the "deep end" for public speaking engagements, or onto a panel of speakers. I was asked to do a 5 minute spiel on a range of different topics. I got asked to deliver speeches.
It scared the life out of me! I was so nervous.
Every time I was in a group situation, and oftentimes, a very large group of people – the topics were often – what some would say, controversial. The people who had an opinion either agreed or disagreed. Most stayed quiet and were too afraid to speak. Those who were very vocal – and in my opinion, way off base – seemed to dominate the atmosphere with an air of dominance and supremacy… almost.
The things they spoke about were specific and they did NOT back up their talk, there was no substance to what they were saying. It sounded like power play to me. And they assumed that power role in those networks.
Not me.
I couldn’t handle listening to what was not true, and to what made other people afraid to speak. My heart would start thumping, and I pretended it wasn’t. But it kept thumping. I blinking well knew I had to speak up. And I knew I could back up and substantiate what I was saying from the actual source that they had the audacity to refer to – but in a general and most ignorant manner. They did not know that source, let alone quote it to back up what they were saying.
I did. And they knew it. They were silenced and others got the confidence to speak. I cheered them on.
I was in many situations like that, countless group situations where I was somehow always assigned the task of reporting back to the wider group. I was terrified every single time. I remember one time, I was so nervous I wanted to run out of the room. I had to pull together before my turn came up. This is what I did:
Focused on the task at hand.
Phew, that made it easier because I knew the information and I knew what to say. It took the fears away. Huge sigh of relief.
Endless situations where people asked me lots of questions and wanted answers. As time went by I started doing a ton of courses, one of which was called: Effective Speaking and Listening. Wow, that’s a few decades ago. But I remember it. I loved going to classes. I was terrified of speaking up. I had to deliver my speech. My heart was thumping, thumping, pounding!
I started to read my speech from the script, too scared to look at my fellow class audience. What happened next floored me!
My teacher got up, grabbed my notes and threw them in the bin (lol)!! I didn't think it was funny at the time. Every emotion that could run through my body, did. I was terrified but I knew I had to act or fall through the floor boards!! He said, “Now Lenna, deliver your speech. You don’t need these notes”.
In short summary…
Know yourself, take a look at where you've come from and what you loved growing up.
Know your audience;
Go to a public speaking course(s);
If you get thrown into the deep like I always did, you can “sink” or “swim”. None of us want to sink, so we swim;
It’s okay to make mistakes, to fail before we succeed;
Hook up with likeminded people, learn from one another, encourage one another;
Do your own research;
Go to courses. I went to many training course, groups, the lot – they all required me to speak!!
Put yourself in situations where you can speak publicly;
Overcome your fear by FOCUSING ON THE TASK AT HAND. Pause, take a breath, work your magic!
We all speak every day – at home, at school, in town, at the shops, at appointments, at interviews – everywhere. You’ve got this. I did and I didn't even know it. It doesn’t matter what personality type you are, or whether you've got the gift of the gab or not – hopefully you haven't, you go learn it. It’s within you, go work it out of you.
Decades later, my heart still thumps when I have to speak.
Ngā mihi nui
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