Audio Transcription & Secretarial Services (ATS)

About ATS
Audio Transcription & Secretarial Services

ATS is a professional transcription service based in Whanganui, New Zealand.
Established in 2009, GST registered. Built from the ground-up. We exist to make a difference.

Reviews and Case Studies

Meet Lenna K. Millar - Director ATS

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


  • Excellence - in service

  • Teamwork - seamless collaboration

  • Reliability - always on time

  • Integrity - built on trust

  • Confidentiality - your privacy matters

  • Value - quality and affordability

  • Precision - every word counts

Transcription deadlines met. Striving for professionalism, confidentiality, value for money, clear and ongoing communication, care and expertise. We exceed customer expectation over and over again. We have the "Wow!" factor, courtesy of our amazing customers who are blown away by a very prompt turnaround, professionalism, and being amazing to work with. We provide great discounts for any size order, volume, and ongoing orders. We specialize in transcribing the spoken and written word: professional, intelligent, and readable - what we call a fully furnished product.

"Wow, you guys are so fast!! Amazing! Thank you! Saved me a lot of pain and heartache!!!" - Jodi, University of Auckland

"Thank you again Lenna for taking on this mahi and delivering it all so quickly. A huge weight off my mind. Please pass on my very grateful thanks to your team. They have done a stellar job. Ngā mihi nui." - Dr Helen Potter

Fast Turnaround

Many of our clients are restricted by tight deadlines and require quick turnaround times. We are able to take advantage of the time difference between New Zealand and time zones in which our international customers are located to complete the projects, ensuring that each transcription is completed within the clients’ expected timeframe. We also have an amazing team who are willing to work overtime to get the job done.

"Hi Lenna, you're a legend, your response time exceeded all expectations!"
~David, Regional Policy Adviser, Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Clients who have used ATS Services

Community Organizations - Governmental Departments - Educational Facilities - Business Executives and Administrators - Transcription Companies - PhD Students, Lecturers - Professors - Motor sporting industry - Accountancy firms - Business Strategist - Web Hosting Services - Law firms - Book Publishers - Authors - Entrepreneurs - Hypnotist - CEOs - Hospitals - World Councils - Fishing Industry - Legal and Medical fraternity - Justice System - too many to name! Providing our customers with excellent transcription services. We excel in meeting customers' needs and expectations.

Join As Transcriptionist

We transcribe a wide range of audio and video recording formats across the globe, requiring a high level of skill. If you are an experienced audio transcriptionist in English and other languages, are able to translate, and would like to join the ATS team, contact us now.

ATS - Audio Transcription & Secretarial Services"Accurate, timely, secureATS - Audio Transcription & Secretarial Services"Accurate, timely, secure
Accurate: Ensuring precision in transcriptions.
Timely: Meeting transcription deadlines, and in excess of.
Secure: Maintaining confidentiality and data security.